Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level systema nervosum centrale Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Current level mesencephalon Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
61993 5261 tax
mesencephalon ; midbrain
8559 tax
external morphology of mesencephalon
8558 tax
morphologia interna mesencephali
internal morphology of mesencephalon
83902 5669 tax
tectum mesencephali
tectum of mesencephalon
9048 tax
grey substance of tectum of mesencephalon ▲
9046 tax
white matter of tectum of mesencephalon ; white substance of tectum of mesencephalon
structurae centrales mesencephali
central structures of mesencephalon
grey matter of central structures of mesencephalon; grey substance of central structures of mesencephalon ▲
white matter of central structures of mesencephalon; white substance of central structures of mesencephalon
62393 5578 tax
tegmentum mesencephali
tegmentum of mesencephalon
83913 5625 tax
grey matter of tegmentum of mesencephalon
83937 5602
white matter of tegmentum of mesencephalon ; white substance of tegmentum of mesencephalon
white matter of cerebral peduncle (pair) ; white substance of cerebral peduncle (pair)
13 lines
61.5 %
53.8 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 5261
Sublist 1 5602 substantia alba tegmenti mesencephali 50/37 on 8.4.2019
Sublist 2 5625 substantia grisea tegmenti mesencephali 170/59 on 8.4.2019
Sublist 3 7478 substantia grisea structurae centralis mesencephali 4/3 on 4.2.2025
Sublist 4 7480 substantia alba structurae centralis mesencephali 12/7 on 4.2.2025
Sublist 5 8035 substantia alba pedunculi cerebri 8/7 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 6 8559 morphologia externa mesencephali 23/10 on 29.3.2019
Sublist 7 9046 substantia alba tecti mesencephali 25/16 on 18.4.2018
Sublist 8 9048 substantia grisea tecti mesencephali 48/17 on 18.4.2018
Subtotals subchildren 340 subunits 156
Proper children 12
Number of children 352 (validated)
Proper units 5
Number of units 161 (validated)
Signature 4749 (validated since 8.4.2019)
Date: 04.02.2025